Bal-Sagoth logo
Bal-Sagoth Vocals : "Lord" Byron Roberts
Guitar (bass on first three albums) : Chris Maudling
Keyboards (drums on first three albums) : Jonny Maudling
Bass : Mark Greenwell
Drums : Paul "Wak" Jackson

Originally formed as an epic/symphonic black metal band with strong death metal elements, vocalist/lyricist Byron Roberts took the name "Bal-Sagoth" from the Robert E. Howard short story "The Gods of Bal-Sagoth". Their first demo was recorded in 1993, and Bal-Sagoth have since released three albums on Cacophonous Records, and three with Nuclear Blast.

Kedvencek közé jelölték :
Solange de Cléda, rnagy, obituary85, Kanwulf, Pantherion, Boszi1989, Motorhexe, Tyrant Lord76, Tunrida, winterriket, slayerbandy, Turiel, Bluebeard, Apokalipszis666, Q-Gloaf, viharmadár, FullMoon, Norgheld, verthus, BLACKSUN, Nattefrost Necrofuck, pistuka77, Azaziel666, Diabolical, Aquarius, Barbar, 123 Kövér Apát 456, Worldfall, Csucsulf

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Hozzászólások :
2010.09.09. 00:37:12
"Ez egy egészen jó videó tőlük"

Mielőtt bárki belekötne: a klip alatti szám király... :)
Hail and Kill! (...and peace... sorry)
2010.09.09. 00:35:03
Ez egy egészen jó videó tőlük:
Hail and Kill! (...and peace... sorry)

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